Separation Anxiety Course

Does your dog struggle when you leave them alone? Maybe you’ve had complaints from neighbours that your dog is constantly barking or howling, or maybe they’re destructive when you leave them alone despite trying what feels like everything.

Separation anxiety is an extremely misunderstood behavioural concern that has a lot of myths in regard to its causes and treatment process. See the images below for some of the most common mistakes.

If you feel you have exhausted your options and you need support through this problem, we offer a separation anxiety course that includes an initial behaviour assessment, 5 x 1-2-1 sessions along with a personalised training plan, several handouts and ongoing support via WhatsApp to assist you further throughout the process.

This course can be done online via zoom or in person if best suited! This course is priced at £175 and can be booked in via email, PM, call or through our website linked below.