Behaviour Assessments

A rehabilitation program can help ANY dog change their reaction in any situation.

Your dog may be a quivering wreck who is; fearful of people, dogs, the car, loud noises, or any new situation and would rather curl up into a corner and hide from the world. Other dogs are overly aggressive to other animals, dogs or people; either out on a walk or when they come in the house. Some are boisterous, lack manners and self-control and are too sociable for their own good. Maybe you struggle with lead reactivity (a dog that barks as other dogs or people when on a lead)?

All of these behaviours above cause problems, which means you are left trying to manage every situation. You are always thinking how to avoid other dogs or people when out walking. This means you become more stressed and in turn your dog's behaviour doesn't improve; it gets worse. Thus, making the whole process a vicious circle.

Fortunately, it doesn't have to be that way for ever.  Just imagine the pleasure you will get not seeing your dog cower away from strangers or not barking and lunging at other dogs when out on their daily walk.

Our staff have experience with all dog behavioural problems and we can help you work with your dog from where you are now to where you want to be. We are honest, friendly and pride ourselves on giving you excellent training advice and service.

Which means that you can be sure your dog will improve, you will feel happy and comfortable training with us, you will understand all the training we give you to do and you will go away from our sessions motivated and confident in training your dog.

Drop us am an email or contact us via phone or social media  or book online to begin your dog training journey.

Book your assessment now at a time to suit you!

Assessments prices start from £60 for your initial 45 minute session.

1-2-1 Training

Following on from your Behaviour Assessment then one to ones will be arranged these can be done either on site or alternatively in your own home if the trainer believes this will benefit your dog more.

Drop us am an email or contact us via phone or social media to begin your dog training journey.

Book your assessment now at a time to suit you!

One to One sessions are £30  for 30 minute session.

Home Visits have an additional charge for travel and time costs, please ask for more details.