Fun and Tricks Class

Are you looking for a class for your dog to improve your relationship and just to simply have fun? Or are you interested in teaching your dog a variety of new things because you love training?
This class is perfect for you! This class is designed for those who want to do more with their dog and gain more knowledge about the world of training using positive force free methods. This class will teach your dog problem solving skills to enhance their confidence as well as being a great opportunity for more socialisation with other dogs, in which they will learn to focus when in the presence of other dogs.
Despite it being a fun group class, it is not a “play session” and all dogs have the opportunity to learn to just simply coexist together! The curriculum will involve a variety of fun things to do, such as an introduction to scentwork, games, shaping, utilising a clicker and more!
The class takes place every Sunday and is just priced at £15 per class